Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 16 & 17

Our friends invited us to a party at their place in the countryside. We had tacos (yum!) and then sang karaoke and played pinball (they have four playable pinball games at home). Ebba also came with us, and here she is snuggling with Daniel.

I thought I forgot to take a picture for day 17, until I realized that the party continued past midnight. This picture of Daniel and me is actually taken on the 17th. Don't ask me why Daniel is pulling that face, I probably said something.


  1. oh I love the photo with Ebba on Daniels lap! It's so funny to see this big dog sitting there.

    The photo of you both looks like if you was a tired and Daniel wanted to stay on the party. But it's great!!

  2. a beautiful picture of you two and a sweet of Daniel and Ebba!

  3. Sounded like a fun night! Tacos and pinball and karaoke sounds fun! I really like your sweater dress, so warm and feminine at the same time!
