Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 25

A new bag, actually a ski boots bag. We are going on a rather short notice ski trip on Wednesday. It is a guy at work that arrange with the trip every year, and about 150 people from various departments attend. We were asked on Friday if we wanted to come, as a couple of persons had to cancel, and there were available spots. After a little thinking we said yes.

So here we are, trying to gather all our gear for a ski trip. I love skiing, and these are usually really fun trips, so the expectations are pretty high. =)


  1. It's great that you can go for a short skiing-trip. I love skiing, too, but here are no possibilities so we have to go to Austria or Sweden. Both are fare away.
    We've been in Salen in 2001.

  2. Have a great time! I can't ski to save my life lol.

  3. wow what great news - wish you a fantastic time there!

  4. I've only gone skiing twice in my life! The bag is very cute though!
