Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 235

We slept in the morning after "Kräftskivan" (see yesterdays post), and decided it was too late for breakfast. So we had brunch instead. American pancakes with maple syrup! Yum!

I've tried making the pancake batter myself several times, without getting it right. Must be some ingredients we don't have here. But now we have found this pancake batter on a can; you just add milk, shake it and cook. They turns out so nice.

Besides the pancake can is a milk carton. This milk is from farms close by, and only sold in our area. I think it is nice that it hasn't traveled long distances to get to us.


  1. Pancakes! that sounds really good! I think local food taste better too. And it's good for the local economy to buy local, plus good for the environment that they don't have to transport the food for long distances. "Eating Local" is a new big thing around here too.

  2. Yes, it's always nice to use local products, but unfortunately it is not always possible!
    I love pancakes ... I could also make it again!

  3. love pancakes - but it never works -by me- with that bottle

    Glad yours works and were delicious!

    You asked about the artwork - yes it´s a little dragon
