Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 153

The wonderful warmth from yesterday was abruptly changed into less lovely weather today; 12C (53F) and occasional rain. I want my sun back! :o)

As outside wasn't too inspiring, I turned to inside for my daily picture. Zelda was a slightly uncooperative model but, after trying out different apertures, I settled for this one. I love the color on her eyes, slight green strokes. Zoey has yellow eyes like most cats I know, but Zeldas are completely different.


  1. beautiful picture of your cat!!
    thanks for your message on my blog... my little girl is back home good thing she is not required to stay overnight in the hospital. she seems happy even after a stressful day. thanks again for the concern.

  2. Sweet cat!! She looks like she is not interested in you and your cam at all.
    Hope, the sun will be back an Sweden soon.

  3. beautiful shot of your cat!

    Yes the weather is changeing!! Unfortunately

  4. I hope the warm weather returns soon. Cute kitty picture.

  5. Zelda does have beautiful eyes! When my cats assumed that position (when I had cats), I always said they looked like a loaf of bread! :p
