Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 154

Every night when either Daniel or I take out Ebba for her last little walk, Zelda is very eager to come along. She then walks a few steps behind us, and calls if we get too far away from her. It looks kind of funny to be walking both the dog and cat.

Tonight I had to bring the camera with me, as the night was so beautiful. This is around half past ten, but it is still light outside. Almost like on a cloudy day. These bright summer-nights never fail to amaze me!

Both photos are taken with our Canon 50mm/1.8, at 1/50 to be able to hand-hold it.


  1. amazing photos i have to say!!! i have to admit the first summer i spent in france, i couldn't get over the fact that the sun is till out at 9pm!!! fascinating!!

  2. Yes it looks really funny with Zelda walking behind Ebba. Great shots!!
    I remember when I was 11 years old we spent our holidays in june in Finland and it was light outside nearly the whole night.

  3. Great shots! LOL - I love the shot of Ebba and Zelda - that's hilarious. :)

  4. wow... wonderful shots...!

  5. beautiful shots and with the story also funny!!

  6. I LOVE that you can walk a cat and a dog at the same time! I've never seen anyone walk a cat before! What gorgeous photos. Wow, I have never lived anywhere so far north that it is still light out at 10:30PM. The closest I've come is Ohio, which got dark on the longest days at around 9:30PM. Here in San Diego it gets dark by 8:30PM.
