Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 161

Our evening meal; pickled herring with new potatoes, and a little snaps of course (always goes with the herring!).

We found a couple of new kinds of pickled herring in the grocery shop last time, that we just had to try. And as the Swedish potatoes from this year now are in the stores, we thought it would be a good idea to practice a little for midsummer eve. Pickled herring is a must for lunch on Christmas, Easter and Midsummer eve, but I like it a lot and find it good lunch food for any summer day.


  1. Oh, so I would stay hungry on Christmas, Easter and Midsummer because I don't like any fish besides codfish. Or I take only the potatoes and the snaps.
    I'm really intrested in the swedish customs of midsummer maybe you tell us a bit about it.

  2. I love fish, but I'm not sure if I'd like this one! LOL! Do you have a little sauce on it? It actually looks delicious, so I know I'd give it a try. I normally love "schnapps" or I guess that is your "snaps", but I bought some in Austria that tasted like petrol. YUCK!

  3. So is pickled herring like lutefisk? I just saw a show about food on the Travel Channel and they showed lutefisk and how it's made. I don't know if I would like the jelly-like consistency!

    I know "snaps" as "schnaps". We have flavored schnaps, like peach schnaps. I think they're made of vodka? Also, we use little glasses called "shot glasses" to drink this. I don't drink very often, so one schnap is enough for me!

  4. I love new potatoes - but the rest is better for my DH..... LOL
