Friday, April 10, 2009

Day 100

It is day 100, one hundred!! :D I'm so proud of myself, and of you too girls! Hang in there! *doing a little party dance*

The building of the patio started today. Daniel did an awesom job, and even though he works daily at an office, he is a superb builder!

(I've used Annies Silver Screen action on this one.)

The day started out with the bottom frame for the floor. All electrical equipment was brought out.

It is not quite as cold as Linus clothing shows, but I was a little worried as it was shadow on the courtyard. Just half an hour later the cap, gloves and coat were gone.

All the bottom frames are pinned to the ground, and it is about lunch-time.

After the framing on the ground, we added another frame, that will be visible. Lots and lots of angels here!

Daniel also started laying the vertical pieces, that will form the actual floor. Hopefully we will be able to do some more tomorrow, before we head for Easter dinner at my IL's.


  1. what a busy day!! And sure it will be turn out great!! Can´t wait to see the next pictures!!

    Wish you a wonderul Easter dinner!!

  2. can't wait to see how it turns out - it looks so awesome!

  3. Oh, how exciting!!! It looks like it is going to be awesome, so nice that Daniel can do this kind of thing. My dh doesn't have these kinds of skills.

  4. great photos. I hope the project goes well.

  5. How fun! these are great and can't wait to see it all done!

  6. You work fast! It's going to look great. I like all the mitered corners. I bet you can't wait to enjoy it.

  7. great shots, can't wait to see the finished photo

  8. Daniel looks like quite a handyman! He made such great process on the floor today. I can't wait to see the finished project!

  9. Hey! I'm punctually back for the day 100 party!! Yes we can be proud of ourselfs!

    It's looking like a great patio!

  10. great pic's, can't wait to see the finished
    i wish you and your family happy easter

  11. what a great project Daniel started, dont forget to show us a finished photo when done :)

  12. Congrats on Day 100! What an awesome milestone with this project.

    Your new patio is looking good so far. I can't wait to see the finished product.
