Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 65

I'm very sorry not to be able to give you more interesting pictures from Istanbul. This pic is from the airport, an old bazaar-type shop with lots of Turkeish souveneirs. We worked this morning and then went straight to the airport.

It rained some when we went from the cab to site, and the water leaved dirt-stains on our bags and coats. The air in Istanbul is really terrible, when the sun shines you can see the brown mist hanging over the city. This dirt came down with the rain, and everything there has a brownish tint, even buildings that are just a couple of years old. I'm very fortunate to live in Linköping, where the air is always clean and nice to breath!


  1. Good air is nice lol! We used to live in the Bay area and well it can be pretty narly. We live in the valley now and well its not to much better. ;-)

  2. That looks like a shop full of little treasures to find :)
    We are having the same problem here now with brown stains after the rain. It's because there are road works going on in our street and a lot of dirt and dust in the air. It's hard to get the washing dry without it getting dirty.

  3. Is it smog in the air from all the vehicles and congestion? I love that where I live has an ocean breeze that always blows through and keeps our skies blue and air clean. Just north of here it can be awful though.

    I love the photo...still looks very cool even though it's in the airport. It will feel so good to get home. I totally know the feeling. Even if it's for a's so nice to be back home.

  4. That shop looks very interesting to those of us sitting State side.

  5. I remember a holiday I spent with my parents in Finland as I was 10 years old (a lot of years ago). Two weeks alone with the summerhouse, a boat and the lake. No one else around (maybe some elks). It was a wonderful time!
    When we came home it seems to me the air was full of waste gas, I thought I could smell it! The difference to the super clean air in the forest of Finland was really drasticaly.

    However ... love your photo and wish you a good flight back home.

  6. Now if you had not told us it was in the airport we would never have known!

    Brown rain? Ugh!

  7. Good air is so important! Hope you had a wonderful time in Istanbul!
